Error handling

The aim of c4b and companion in general is to report errors and not hide them. Indeed, if we would hide them, you will not be able to import your changes in your STEP environment.

When you are using c4b, there might be two types of errors:

  • errors that occur during the packaging phase
  • errors that occur during the deployment phase

Whenever you have a notification error, you can click on the log file that is inserted on the notification.

Packaging phase

Type of errors you can encounter during the packaging phase:

Error on boolean


Execution default-compile of goal fr.cantor.c4d:c4d-maven-plugin:5.1.0:compile failed: fr.cantor.sheet2xml.processor.exception.Sheet2XmlLineException: AttributesGroup.companion.xlsx - ATG_Keyboard : Error at line : 11, cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: 'no' is not a valid value for 'boolean'. -> [Help 1]

This indicates that you have inserted a wrong value for a boolean. Check the line(s) reported by the error and update the boolean value(s). Boolean should be always true or false.

Error on attribute validation


step-datamodel: Execution default-compile of goal fr.cantor.c4d:c4d-maven-plugin:5.1.0:compile failed: fr.cantor.sheet2xml.processor.exception.Sheet2XmlLineException: AttributesGroup.companion.xlsx - ATG_Keyboard : Error at line : 11, cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element '{"":ListOfValueLink}'. One of '{"":ValueTemplate, "":UnitTemplate, "":DimensionLink, "":MetaData, "":AttributeGroupLink, "":UserTypeLink, "":LinkType, "":ValueFilter, "":CurrentTasks}' is expected.

This indicates that you have inserted specified a LOV value for an attribute and another validation type (texte, number, date...). Check the line(s) reported by the error and update the validation type of the attribute.

Error of Excel format


step-datamodel: AttributesGroup.companion.xlsx - Feuil1 : AttributesGroup.companion.xlsx:3:Feuil1:Reached file end before the end of the header

This indicates that you have a formatting issue on your Excel and c4b is not able to produce the package. It can be a tab that should be commented but it is not: check if one of more of your tabs should be commented. Otherwise, ask us for support!

Deploying phase

Type of errors you can encounter during the deployment phase:

Missing ID


[ERROR] Line 164, Attribute 4: The tag <Attribute> requires the attribute ID

This indicates that an ID is required in one or more of your cells in your Excel file but you left it empty. Add an ID to solve the issue.

Wrong ID


[ERROR] Line 164, Attribute 4: The attributegroup with ID '<a href="step://attributegroup?id=ATG_Keyboardd">ATG_Keyboardd</a>' could not be found

This indicates that you have specified a wrong ID in one of your cell. For example, you want to insert an attribute in an Attribute Group and you specified an ID of a group that does not exist in STEP, then you will get this kind of error.

Wrong validator type


[ERROR] Unknown validator: nombre

This indicates that you have specified a wrong validator type. In the case of the above error, we specified the word nombre for an attribute validator but STEP is not able to understand it. It should be: number.


In case you need help to solve one of your errors you may:

  • transfer the log file to your IT team, so they can help you to understand it
  • check the diag-tool section
  • ask us at support
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