

Works with files in src/main/step directory:

  • The .companion.csv, .companion.xlsx and .companion.xlsm files are transformed to STEPXML format using Sheet to Xml
  • The .companion.xml files are transformed to STEP format with Twirl
  • The .step.xml files are copied
mvn c4d:compile

All transformed and copied files are put in the directory target/classes/step.
They have the extension: .step.xml.

Compiler assumes multiple parameters:

  • companion.perimeter
    • Description: Used to give the path of the YAML file specifying the perimeter of files to be compiled.
    • Example: compilationPerimeter.yaml.
  • companion.verbose
    • Description: Used to log in the console files that are included in the compilation. All .companion.template.xml files will always be included even if a perimeter is applied.
    • Allowed values: false (default value), true.



Only .companion.csv, .companion.xlsx, .companion.xlsm, .companion.xml and .step.xml files will be included or excluded

The first level of the YAML file must always correspond to the name of a module. (e.g. step-datamodel).

By default, if a file is specified, all modules are ignored. To fully include a module, you must specify its name in the file :


Then you can specify includes and excludes.

All paths are relative from src/main/step of the current module

To include or exclude files you have several methods:

  • Explicitly specify a file: path/to/myfile.companion.xml or path/to/myfile.companion.csv
  • Explicitly specify all files inside a directory: path/to/mydirectory/*
  • Explicitly specify all files inside a directory recursively: path/to/mydirectory/
  • Use wildcards in name:
    • path/to/mydirectory/*.companion.xml will select all .companion.xml file inside path/to/mydirectory/ directory
    • path/to/*/myfile.companion.csv will select all myfile.companion.csv file inside a subdirectory of path/to/ directory
  • Use wildcards in paths:
    • path/**/*.companion.xml will select all .companion.xml file inside all subdirectory of path/ directory


If you specify only excludes, all files will be included except those explicitly excluded.


    - "Context1.companion.csv"
    - "ATT_*.companion.xml"
    - "ATT_3.companion.xml"

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