
Unable to find valid certification

In some case, Companion may encounter problems in order to communicate with a service over HTTPS :

  • Maven repository to get dependencies
  • STEP environments

This is usually due to the firewall or the security of your company.

In this case you will encounter an error message similar to the following :

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

To fix this error, you need to add target certificate to your JRE truststore.

First, download the certificate of the site you are trying to access : Download certificate from urlopen in new window.

Then add this certificate to your JRE truststore running the following command inside terminal :

"<JRE_PATH>\bin\keytool" -trustcacerts -keystore "<JRE_PATH>\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass <STORE_PASS> -importcert -alias <ALIAS_NAME> -file <PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_CERT>

You need to update following parts :

  • JRE_PATH : Path to your JRE used for Companion : For example C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_241
  • STORE_PASS : Password of your keystore, changeit by default
  • ALIAS_NAME : Alias of the certificate in your keystore: must be unique
  • PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_CERT : Path to the certificate file previously downloaded : extension can be .pem, .cer, .crt...

Repeat the previous actions for all the sites you have problem with.

Unable to access to to download dependencies

If your network configuration does not allow c4d to access, 3 solutions :

Open the connection

Ask the network admin to open this connection

Configure your proxy

You can configure your maven settings.xml to use your proxy has described here : in new window

Setup a mirror

Ask the network admin to set up a dependency repository to mirror
This will enable c4d to download dependencies using a repository that you can access on the network.

Now you can add the mirror to your maven settings.xml :


This configuration will tell maven to contact the correct repository when it is looking for dependencies

The file contains a unicode character that cannot be compiled

If you get this error message, it means that the file you are trying to compile contains a \u representing a unicode character, which is not supported by Companion for Delivery.

If you really want to use \u in your text, you need to escape it.

Escape \u text in xml tag content

<Description>This is how to escape my text containing a @{"\\"}u inside</Description>

Escape \u text in a template file

description = "This is how to escape my text containing a \\u inside"
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