Changelog Companion Test Helpers


Released on 2023-08-31

Bug fix

  • Fix toHaveClassifications error when tested object is a product


Released on 2023-06-20

New features

Add new matchers

Add following jasmine custom matchers for following types (See Companion custom matchers):

  • Node Matchers
    • toHaveClassifications
    • toHaveChildren
    • toHaveReference


  • Add documentation to matchers when autocomplete

Bug fix

  • Fix toBeInState matcher in a case where an object is given instead of an id
  • Fix toHaveEmptyValue in typescript declaration file so that it works as expected in autocompletion


Released on 2022-09-12

New features


Add support for jasmine API autocompletion inside IDEA Intellij

Add new matchers

Add following jasmine custom matchers for following types (See Companion custom matchers):

  • Node Matchers

    • toHaveName
    • toHaveEmptyName
    • toHaveSimpleValue
    • toHaveLOVValueId
    • toHaveEmptyValue
    • toHaveValues
    • toHaveLOVValuesId
  • Workflowable Node Matchers

    • toBeInState
    • toBeInWorkflow
    • toHaveWorkflowValue
  • Task Matchers

    • toBeAssignedTo
  • Workflow Instance Matchers

    • toHaveSimpleVariable
    • toHaveEmptyVariable
  • Workspace Aware Revisable Node Matchers

    • toBeApproved
  • Trigger Result Matchers

    • toBeRejected
    • toBeRejectedWithMessage
  • Array Matchers

    • toBeSameArrayAs
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