JSDoc is a standard way to document your JavaScript code. You can find documentation online : https://devdocs.io/jsdoc/open in new window

We highly recommend to document these point to get autocompletion and generated JSDoc.

Business library

For autocompletion and documentation generation, business library need to be defined with a namespace annotation.

This annotation need to be put on top of the file : /** @namespace Business_library_id */

Every function of the business library should be documented with @memberOf namespace or @private annotation like explain below.


On function, you need to document :

  • @param {parameter_type} variable_name description
  • @return {result_type} description


For a better autocompletion, you need to use STEP package as parameter type and return type

 * Create a map of attribute id to attribute value from values
 * @param {Array.<com.stibo.core.domain.Value>} values an array of attributes from a product
 * @param {Array.<string>} variantAttributes array of variant attributes
 * @return {Object.<string, string>} a map of attribute id to attribute value
function valuesToMap(values, variantAttributes)

When function is inside a business library you need to document @memberOf namespace or @private. This documentation allow autocompletion of function inside business rule using business library or hiding function used only inside business library.

Business rule binding

In order to get autocompletion, create a file binding.js in directory src/main. This file will not be compiled by Companion for Delivery.

 * @type com.stibo.core.domain.Asset|com.stibo.core.domain.Product|com.stibo.core.domain.Entity|com.stibo.core.domain.Classification
var node;

 * @type {com.stibo.core.domain.state.Workflow}
var workflow;

 * @type com.stibo.core.domain.Manager
var manager;

function Logger(){}
Logger.prototype.info = function(msg) {};
Logger.prototype.warning = function(msg) {};

 * @type {Logger}
var logger;
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