Migrate Companion for Delivery version from 2.1.2 to 3.0.0

File inclusion

New syntax

In order to reduce compilation times, Companion for Delivery 3.0.0 now uses a new syntax for file inclusion.

The path of the file is now inside the call to the @file() extension, and is the absolute path from the step directory.

For example, with this structure :

├─── step-integration/
│    ├─── src/
│    │    ├─── main/step/
│    │    │    ├─── example_directory/
│    │    │    │    ├─── companion/
│    │    │    │    │    └─── example.companion.xml
│    │    │    │    └─── example.xml
│    │    └─── test/
│    └─── pom.xml
└─── pom.xml

Whenever you want to include a file example.xml to your example.companion.xml, you write :


@import example_directory._




Escaping XML

You will still be able to escape XML specific characters (<, >, ", and ') with the @escapeXml() extension. However @file() comes with an optional parameter, a boolean indicating if the file must be escaped before being imported. By default, the XML content of the file is not escaped, but if you want to import Javascript or collections into your file, you must use this parameter to escape XML characters :

@file("path/example.js", true)


The decompiler has been updated to use this new syntax. You can use it to migrate your files, however the structure of the newly generated project may not correspond to your previous structure. If you want to do so, you will have to compile your project with Companion for Delivery 2.1.2, then decompile the obtained file with Companion for Delivery 3.0.0.

Unit Test

In 3.0.0 we automatically added business rule dependencies to unit test business rule and cleaned useless annotation for unit test.

BusinessRule annotation need to be migrated:

  • Replace js field by xml field containing path to .companion.xml file
    @BusinessRule(id="BA0040", js = "/com/step/companion/Dummy.js", alias="executeDummyActionOrCondition", bindings = {"firstParam", "secondParam"})

is now

    @BusinessRule(id="BA0040", xml = "/com/step/companion/Dummy.companion.xml", alias="executeDummyActionOrCondition", bindings = {"firstParam", "secondParam"})

These annotations need to be removed in your tests:

  • BusinessRuleBinding
  • Dependency
  • ExecutionPlatform

These fields on annotations has been removed too:

  • jssDir, jss and dependencies on BusinessLibrary
  • depencencies on BusinessRule
  • jss and dependencies on JSTestFile

You can also remove this maven plugin that is no longer needed :

Last Updated: