STEP datamodel is optimized and could be complex for a STEP non-expert
The way data are technically organized is very specific to STEP.
Reasons for this complexity :
- Inheritance rules
- Contexts : global and local
STEP standard features to expose data
- Standard STEP features such as OIEPs allow a pre-defined type of targets : send files through FTP, mail, REST API
- but no connector to a custom database.
- Only MongoDB database native.
- Output file formats are XLS/XLSX, XML, XSV
- Limited possibility to transform data
- STEP Native connector to MongoDB exports in one unique format (Raw) with low possibility to configure the target format (risk on performance).
What is Companion for Integration
STEP MDM platform is the foundation to aggregate data and get a single, governed and reliable view of your data.
Companion for integration is the solution to expose your data from STEP and share them across the enterprise and value chain.
Companion for integration is an extension integrated in STEP (no additional component).
Companion for Integration’s role is to export sets of data from STEP to a database or a middleware, in a pre-configured format, with high performance. The output data is denormalized, which means fully understandable by a STEP non-expert.
The set of data can be “full” (for initialization) or “delta” (based on changes in STEP “Event driven”).
Companion for Integration is the right answer to expose data with high quality, efficiency in a short lead time.
Functional summary
It is a solution to export data from STEP, in a configurable way, and flexible to evolve with your requirements.
The output format and content are defined by the user, for the different targets.
Technically, it is a development (add-on) made in STEP, custom extension in Java, compliant with Stibo guidelines (SDK) and software upgrades.
It is an Outbound Integration End Point (OIEP) Delivery Plug-In developed by Cantor.
Which data from STEP can be exported
From STEP Main and / or Approved WorkSpace :
- Dictionary : Attributes, LOVs…
- Data : products, references, data containers, multi valued attributes, classification…
- Assets : Urls
Which connectors are currently implemented
- ActiveMQ
- ElasticSearch/OpenSearch
- File (CSV, Excel, JSON, XML)
- Apache Kafka
- MongoDB
- MySQL/MariaDB
- Amazon AWS (SQS, SNS)
- This list can be extended according to your needs!
Find more information in following section: How it works.