
Technical requirements

You should take care of the following list of necessary components for all computers that intend to run Companion:

  • STEP License for Extension API activated on all environments for Companion for Integration deployment
  • Companion for Integration license
  • Access to Cantor domain
    • Companion license server for version < 2.0.0 :
    • Companion license server for version >= 2.0.0 :


If you use a proxy, you may have problems accessing Cantor domain when using Companion-4i.
In case of problem contact us.

Required skills for the integrator

Configuration file maintenance requires technical skills on XPath and STEPXML format.

For more information on STEPXML format, you can use documentation available on STEP:

  • STEPXML API guide
  • PIM.xsd


Ask for license and installation support at

Update a license

C4i licenses are stored in STEP assets of type "Companion for integration - License File Type" (ID = C4I-LicenseType) which are stored below the classification node "Companion for Integration - License Files" (ID = C4I-LicenseFiles)

Once a license is stored in a STEP Asset, C4i will automatically download and use the latest version of the license from Cantor license server.

However, it may occur that C4i is unable to contact Cantor license server (due to a temporary network issue, or a server downtime window). In such cases, it is important that the license stored on the STEP server is up to date.

In order to update a license file, right-click on the license Asset in the STEP tree and select "Replace Asset Content", then select the license file on your local computer.

Important : Don't forget to approve the license asset afterward.


Cantor and/or Stibo will manage initial deployment.

The C4I_HOME environment variable (non SaaS environments only)

By default, C4i will store and fetch the necessary resources (YAML configuration files, scripts, templates, licenses, tokens, ...) in the /shared/workarea/c4i/ folder.

If needed, you can change this behavior using the C4I_HOME environment variable.

Initial Step configuration

  • Download the c4i-init.step.xml STEP XML file and import it into STEP
  • Add the Companion for integration administrator users to the group: C4I-Administrators

only those users will be able to approve YAML configuration files and Companion for integration license files

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