Core features changelog

From C4I version 3.1.4 onwards, the version numbers for all the extensions are aligned. You will find here the changelog for the core features included in all the extensions.


Released on 2024-09-03

  • Custom function serializeValuesToJSON now accepts contextualized values
  • Integer attribute values are now stored in long types to avoid capacity overflow errors
  • Fix empty log when execution only produces deletion
  • Add Kafka Core Delivery


Released on 2024-08-07

  • Add option to display a debug log at the end of the execution, indicating for each XPath query, for each script and for each Custom Function, the number of times it was called, the sum, min, average and max execution time


Released on 2024-06-11

  • Custom Function eval :
    • Previously, the result of Custom Functions returning null would be interpreted as a NodeList of size -1. Now, eval receives null
    • storeJson would only handle Object values. Now, Arrays are also supported
  • Add Custom Functions serializeContextReferenceToJSON and serializeCustomFunctionsToJSON


Released on 2024-05-16

  • Custom Function serializeValuesToJSON (and others alike) : Add option to extract both value ID and label for LOV-based attributes
  • Custom Function eval : Previously, when accessing a stored value which was the result of JSON producing Custom Function, the resulting value would be an internal JSONHolder object, which would be unusable. Now, an actual JS object is returned
  • Add Custom Function nodeList
  • Fix for serializeContextValuesToJSON : single Values of MultiValue can be supplied, allowing to better filter by context
  • Fix exceptions when running from STEP when cache config is not supplied


Released on 2024-05-13

  • Fix NotSerializableException when caching JSON or XML nodes using JCS
  • Custom Functions serializeReferenceToJSON and serializeReferencesToJSON now handle key values
    • By default, all keys are displayed
    • An optional parameter indicates whether to display the target ID or key
    • An optional parameter indicates the order of the keys to use when an object has multiple key values
  • Add custom function firstNonEmpty
  • Custom Function serializeValuesToJSON and other values serialization functions ignore empty values produced by Advanced STEP XML with flag "ExportDeletedData"
  • Add custom functions serializeContextValuesToJSON, getEvents, getLastEventTime and getWorkspaceID


Released on 2024-01-09

  • Fix bug where two processes sharing the same license file would provoke errors
  • Fix exception when parsing multi-context file
  • Add custom function hash
  • Fix parameter attributeGroupFilter of custom functions serializeValuesToJSON and getReferencesByAttributeGroup
    • Previously, attribute group IDs where the provided pattern was found would be kept. Now, only attribute groups matching the provided pattern are kept.


Released on 2023-10-02

  • Fix default workarea for SaaS environments (use /shared/workarea)
  • Some exeptions would be ignored when parsing attribute values. Now they are propagated to the end user
  • Custom functions :
    • fix exception when using mergeInheritedValues and no values are present
    • serializeReferencesToJSON has a new parameter to indicate meta-attribute for keys
    • getStoredValue has a new parameter to indicate default value
  • Fix bug where the output of a complex XPath using both custom and standard functions would not have the correct type
    • The json custom function is removed as it is not necessary anymore


Released on 2023-06-28

  • Add scripts caching
  • Add store caching with JCS
  • JSON objects can now be supplied as parameters for JS scripts evaluation
  • Change default workarea path (use /opt/stibo/workarea) to better accommodate cloud environments
  • Fix bug where logs would not be displayed on STEP


Released on 2023-02-27

  • Fix XPath parsing order : Respect definition order from the YAML file
  • Fix NullPointerException when multiple rules, including rules matching sub-nodes, match a node
  • Fix concurrency issues when running Digester


Released on 2022-12-21

  • Bug fixes :
    • Fix bug where, when a tag was mapped as well as the corresponding deletion tag (for example, Product and DeleteProduct), deletions would be mapped twice


Released on 2022-10-27

  • Add new custom function toXML


Released on 2022-09-21

  • Add optional parameter scriptsRootPath for standalone execution to indicate where the scripts are stored
  • Fix top-level XPath parsing order: Respect definition order from the YAML file in some complex cases


Released on 2022-08-26

  • Add new Custom Functions getContextName and serializeAttributeLinksToJSON
  • Bug fixes :
    • Fix "Duplicate Key" exception when parsing attributes meta-data in a multi-context file
    • Fix unit conversion when offset is present
    • Reload STEP context (attributes definitions, ...) between each file when parsing multiple files
    • Logging : Fix bug where Attribute ID would be displayed as "null" when an exception occurs while parsing an attribute value
    • Fix bug in integer and number functions where returned value would be null
  • Support YYYY-MM-DD format for Legacy ISO Date attributes
  • JS Scripts
    • Add access to getStoredValue, getCurrentContextId, getExportTime in JS scripts
    • Fix bug where returned array would not be interpreted correctly
  • Harmonize behaviors when attribute definition is missing when parsing directly from XPath or from custom function
    • Attribute definition is mandatory when a value is present
    • Otherwise, an exception will be thrown
  • Fix mapped values order : Respect definition order from the YAML file


Released on 2022-05-23

  • Add new Custom Functions order and eval
  • Fix NullPointerException when mapping a single LOV attribute value label
  • Fix NullPointerException when calling convertUnit on an absent value


Released on 2022-03-31

  • Enhance attribute parsing error reporting :
    • Indicate the ID of the responsible attribute
    • Limit the number of logs for a single attribute
  • Fix wrong execution order in some cases (such as mapping constant numbers)
  • Fix bug where calling getStoredValue in XPath filter would produce invalid results
  • Custom Function enhancements and bug fixes
    • convertUnit:
      • Add option to treat conversion errors as warnings
      • Fix error when source unit is base unit
    • resolveUnitLabel : Fix NullPointerException when value has no unit
    • number : Fix NullPointerException when input is null
    • New custom function integer


Released on 2022-02-21

  • Use new Cantor software licensing
  • Add new custom functions: hasStoreKey, convertUnit
  • Ameliorate logs
  • Support XPath variables in standalone mode
  • Fix empty JSON documents for JSON producing extensions


Released on 2021-09-13

  • Clear the store cache between each parsed file


Released on 2021-06-09

  • Enhance YAML parsing error messages
  • Add new custom functions json and number


Released on 2021-04-12

  • Add multipass parsing according to order provided in custom function store
  • Enhance exported object count in logging
  • Add new custom function bool
  • Add new custom functions store and getStoredValue
  • Allow manual filtering of values in serializeValuesToJSON


Released on 2021-07-01

  • Add support of standalone execution
  • Fix incorrect serialization of attribute values when using DISPLAY_LOV_VALUE_ID parameter


Released on 2020-11-23

  • Add a new parameter to send a deletion message when an object does not satisfy the main predicate
  • Add a new parameter to empty the database on initialization (for full exports)
  • Handle Legacy ISO date time attributes
  • Add new parameter keyMetaAttribute to Custom function serializeValuesToJSON
  • Rework parameters of Custom Function serializeReferencesToJSON
  • Add new Custom Functions currentContextId, if, getReferencesByAttributeGroup, serializeAssetPushLocationsToJSON, and serializeReferencesToJSON


Released on 2020-07-2

  • Add licenses support
  • Add support for client specific custom functions
  • YAML configuration files are now stored using an environment variable


Released on 2020-06-19

  • Add Logging information for execution duration and number of processed objects
  • Modify parameters for concatValueAndUnit custom function
  • Add arrayToJSON and exportTime custom functions
  • Fix crash when a calculated attribute value is not compliant with the attribute declared type
  • Fix crash with attribute order when exporting attribute metadata


  • YAML file handling via STEP asset
  • Add core custom functions
Last Updated: