Companion for Integration - STEP configuration

Standard OIEP configuration:

Example of event triggering method for a DELTA OEIP:

Standard OIEP configuration

Example of selection of data to be exported:

Standard OIEP configuration

Define output XML format and custom mappings

Define output XML format and custom mappings

note that Attribute and Unit definitions are mandatory

Configure connection to database and other target

Example of MongoDB target configuration:

Configure database connection

Example of Companion for integration YML configuration file

This configuration will be provided as a C4I-YAML asset content.

- Product[@UserTypeID="SalesItem"]:
      - ./@ID: id
      - Name/text(): name
      - Values/Value[@AttributeID="height"]/text(): height.value
      - c4i:resolveUnitLabel(string(Values/Value[@AttributeID="height"]/@UnitID)): height.unit
      - c4i:concatValueAndUnit(Values/Value[@AttributeID="height"], "DISPLAY_UNIT_LABEL"): height.format
      - Values/Value[@AttributeID="date"]/text(): date
      - c4i:serializeValuesToJSON(Values, "DISPLAY_LOV_VALUE_ID"): attributes
      - c4i:multiValuesToJSON(Values/MultiValue(@AttributeID="AT_TEXT_LIMITED"]/Value/text()): multivalues
      - c4i:serializeReferencesToJSON(., "BY_TYPE"): references
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