The serializeReferencesToJSON
function is used to serialize the references from an object.
c4i:serializeReferencesToJSON(references [,structure] [, lov] [, units] [, values] [, keyMetaAttribute] [, displayReferenceTarget] [, keysOrder])
XPath to the root objet (.) will serialize all the references, regardless of their type.
Otherwise, you can target the desired references by providing a custom XPath.
You can also filter the references by using the following function : getReferencesByAttributeGroup
- Indicates how to represent references
- The authorized values are "BY_SUPER_TYPE" (default), "BY_TYPE" or "FLAT"
- "BY_SUPER_TYPE" adds two levels of indexation : Super Type (ProductCrossReference, ClassificationCrossReference, ...) and Reference Type ID
- "BY_TYPE" adds one level of indexation : Reference Type ID
- "FLAT" puts all references in an array, regardless of the type and super type
lov (optional) :
- Indicates how to represent LOV values
- The authorized values are "DISPLAY_LOV_VALUE_LABEL" (default), "DISPLAY_LOV_VALUE_ID" or "DISPLAY_BOTH"
unit (optional)
- Indicates how to represent units
- The authorized values are "NO_UNITS" (default), "DISPLAY_UNIT_ID", "DISPLAY_UNIT_LABEL"
value (optional) :
- Indicates if values and units should be concatenated or separated
- The authorized values are "CONCAT_VALUE_UNIT" (default) or "ISOLATE_VALUE"
keyMetaAttribute (optional)
- By default, attributes are indexed using their attribute ID
- If this parameter is supplied, attributes will be indexed using a meta-attribute value, if it is present
displayReferenceTarget (optional)
- Indicates whether to display reference target ID or key value
- The authorized values are "BY_ID" (default) or "BY_KEY"
keysOrder (optional)
- Indicates the order in with the keys should be used when an object has multiple key values
- Separate keys using a comma (,). Example : "Key1,Key2"
Return value
A JSON document containing the references and associated meta-data.
Given the following STEP XML:
<Attribute ID="ATT2">
<Validation BaseType="number">
<UnitLink UnitID="unece.unit.KTM"/>
<Product ID="PRD1">
<ProductCrossReference Type="Accessory" ProductID="PRD2">
<MultiValue AttributeID="ATT1">
<Value ID="VAL_1">Value 1</Value>
<Value ID="VAL_2">Value 2</Value>
<MultiValue AttributeID="ATT2">
<Value UnitID="unece.unit.KTM">16</Value>
<Value UnitID="unece.unit.KTM">12</Value>
<AssetCrossReference Type="PrimaryImage" AssetID="IMG1"/>
The following YAML configuration will produce the following output :
"ProductCrossReference": {
"Accessory": [
"target": "PRD2",
"metaData": { "ATT1" : ["Value 1", "Value 2"], "ATT2" : [16.0, 12.0]}
"AssetCrossReference": {
"PrimaryImage": [
{ "target": "IMG1"}
The following YAML configuration will produce the following output :
c4i:serializeReferencesToJSON(".", "BY_TYPE")
"Accessory": [
"target": "PRD2",
"metaData": { "ATT1" : ["Value 1", "Value 2"], "ATT2" : [16.0, 12.0]}
] ,
"PrimaryImage": [
{ "target": "IMG1"}
The following YAML configuration will produce the following output :
c4i:serializeReferencesToJSON(ProductCrossReference[@Type="Accessory"], "FLAT")
"target": "PRD2",
"metaData": { "ATT1" : ["Value 1", "Value 2"], "ATT2" : [16.0, 12.0]}
Please refer to the documentation of multiValuesToJSON
for more info on using the parameter values of this function.