Standalone execution

It is also possible to run Companion for integration in Standalone mode, outside a STEP environment.

Standalone execution requires a .properties configuration file, which looks a lot like the Composite configuration file.

A line must be added, containing the plugin license file with licenseAssetId, for instance:


To run Companion for integration in Standalone mode, prepare your configuration files and then run the following command using Java 11 or above :

java -cp composite-core-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.cantor.c4i.C4IStandaloneRunner <properties file> <XML files>

Or, for the composite standalone mode :

java -cp composite-core-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.cantor.c4i.CompositeMain <properties file> <composite license file> <XML files>

You can also supply your own logback.xml configuration file using the following command :

java -Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/logback.xml ...

Scripts location

The property scriptsRootPath can be added to your configuration file to indicate where the scripts are located on your local environment. Otherwise, c4i will look for scripts in the directory where the command is executed

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