
The bool function is used to force a boolean value in a JSON document. By default, all user mapped values are stored as text.

Warning : Do not use this custom function inside the evaluation of boolean expressions. It will produce errors such as:

Can not convert #UNKNOWN (fr.cantor.c4i.serializers.BooleanHolder) to a number





Something that can be converted to a boolean. It can be :

  • A boolean
  • A number. 0 converts to false. Other values convert to true
  • A node list. Empty node list converts to false. Other lists convert to true

Other types will be converted to false

Return value

The evaluated parameter as a boolean


Given the following STEP XML :

        <Product ID="PRD1">
                <Value AttributeID="StockQuantity">10</Value>

The following YAML configuration will produce the following output :

c4i:bool(Values/Value[@AttributeID="StockQuantity"]/text()!=0): in_stock
in_stock: true
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